The first chemist says, 'I'll have a glass of H2O.' The second chemist says, 'I'll have a glass of H20 too.' The second chemist dies.ĩ. A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'We have a drink named after you!' The grasshopper says, 'You have a drink called Freddy?'Ĩ. Helium walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve Noble Gases here.' He doesn't react.ħ. A skeleton walks into a bar and says, 'Gimme a pint and a mop.'Ħ. So a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks, 'Why the long face?' The horse has crippling depression, alcoholism is his only escape.ĥ. The bartender says, 'Hey pal, don't start anything in here.'Ĥ.
A guy walks into a bar carrying jumper cables. Below you’ll find 20 great takes on the classic “A guy walks into a bar…” joke.ġ.
Some of them warrant a chuckle, some a groan, but we’ve come across a few that actually make us laugh. We’ve all heard our fair share of bar jokes.